Monday, April 6, 2009

Day of The Dead Trailer... Japanese!


I think I have a new theme song...

Jonathan Coulton is a singer/songwriter who releases his songs via the Creative Commons license.

With Creative Commons licensing anyone is free to share (copy, distribute or transmit) and/or adapt the work as long as the work is not used for commercial gain and you attribute the work to the creator.

Through his "Thing A Week" project, Jonathan released clever, creative songs like "RE: Brains" free through his website every week for a year.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chainsaw Maid

Check it out! This is the best claymation zombie short I've ever seen. Even better than Aardman Animation's "Not Without My Handbag." It's got everything you'd want in a zombie movie all condensed down to a neat 6 minutes and 52 seconds.

Friday, February 6, 2009

zombies in the media...

i'm glad that in this day and age, even though we are living in a virtual police state of information control and high-tech surveilance that someone is still willing to risk everything to tell the trusth about the nazi zombies. run!

where are the zombies of mass destruction? for every zombie the bush administration killed, five more popped up in their place!

and just because it's still funny...